A review by andrew61
The Trinity Six by Charles Cumming

I'd previously read one of this writers books and found it an enjoyable thriller but a little gung ho in one of it's elements. I do however like a good spy story and enjoy the twits and turns of the chase and machinations of governments. Here an innocent history lecturer, sam gaddis , down on his luck happens upon the story of a possible sixth spy in addition to the Philby, Burgess, Maclean, Blunt, Cairncross . Sniffing the possibility of a book he is quickly embroiled in a hunt for the identity of the spy as individuals involved are rapidly assassinated by Russian agents acting on behalf of the head of the Russian government, a character very reminiscent of Putin.
The book rattles along, although Gaddis's ability to charm a British female secret agent had me harrumphing half way through as I saw one plot twist and escape route flagged up too obviously. Generally though a good read which is enjoyable escapism.