A review by surfmonkey01
Charon's Claw by R.A. Salvatore


This was actually a solid 3.5

In recent years, I've gotten bored with the Drizzt series. The main character wasn't changing any, he was the same stoic do-gooder badass with the unshakable moral code. And one by one, the more interesting supporting characters were getting written out and/or killed off. It was time for Mr. Salvatore and I to part ways...

But, we've been friends for a loooong time now, so I still check in from time to time. The first book of this series was very good, while the second was "okay." But with the return of Artemis Entreri, I was intrigued again. Also, I finally made a realization about Drizzt that helped my enjoyment of this series greatly: he may be 200 years old, yes, but he is essentially a teenager. A teenager whose family is all gone, and is truly on his own for the first time. Hence the struggling with his codes and values, hence the "bad girl" phase in Dalhia, as well as hanging around with old nemesis Entreri (even trying to reform him!)

I could go on longer, and may edit some more in later, but for now I leave you with this: if you were bored with Drizzt like I was, look at this series as his journey into adulthood and see if that helps. And if not, hey, Artemis Entreri is back, that should excite you...