A review by rzarate9696
The End of Policing by Alex S. Vitale


Fantastically disheartening and full of overlooked and unassumed knowledge about the people that allegedly protect us.

The black and blue is skidded with unsightly fecal streaks of abhorrent human rights abuses and exploitation that continue to this day. Light peeks through the threadbare tatters here onto to supposed problems we've all passively decided belong in the hands of those who discipline and punish us without restraint or consequence.

You may hear the cry "defund the police" and scoff in disgust at such entitlement and stupidity, but the reality is that police are funded and armed to the point of absurdity. Most have been trained to treat every innocuous situation as "life or death", which in turn leads to reactions that often prove fatal or harmful. Alternative responses to our problems become even more difficult as we continue to acclimate to a world shaped by this violent and exhausting rhetoric. It's hard to try and heal after so much pain and distrust.

I'd follow up with Robert Evans' podcast, Behind the Police.