A review by em_thebookish_girl
The Deceit of a Devil by Holly Renee


Allie and Carson's story continues on in The Decite of a Devil. I'm so happy that I didn't have to wait so long to read book #2!! I truly appreciate authors who releases books back-to-back, especially for a duet!  The transitions from each book in this series is amazing! Whew, I thought The Taste of An Enemy was steamy, but I was so wrong! I mean, it is but to compared to this book. My goodness! Its extra spicy!! I was so surprised how forward Allie was!! Her character most certainly evolved in this book! A combination of emotions of lust, passion, hurt, anger and hate, Allie and Carson are a time ticking time bomb waiting to explode. The roles have reversed, instead of Carson pushing Allie away, she is. Allie knows that the only person who has a hold over her or could hurt her in the worst possible way is Carson. Deceived, angry, hurt and heartbroken Allie finally gave up; the little bit of hope that she was hanging on to for so long. Allie is shattered, and she has no intentions of listening to Carson's excuses or apologies. She had enough of being Carson's punching bag/or doormat, taking all the blame that wasn't her fault to begin with.

Carson should be happy that Allie is now out of arms reach, that she finally realized that they are truly enemies. Yet, Carson never really wanted hurt Allie to begin with, he just wanted her to stay away from him. In his own twisted and unique way, Carson wanted to protect Allie. And yes, he was definitely possessive and jealous, that's why he couldn't stand to see Allie with someone else. Allie sure did make Carson work for it! She stood her ground! Despite being irrevocably hurt, Allie couldn't deny the fact that she still wanted him. Through the ups and downs in their relationship, Allie and Carson pulled through stronger than ever. I really enjoyed seeing all the relationship dynamics between this group of friends: Josie, Beck, Allie, Carson, Olly and Frankie. Especially the girls! They definitely had each others' backs!  I can hardly wait to read Olly and Frankie's duet in this series!

**I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review