A review by lovehollyxx
Slow Play by Monica Murphy


“Someday it will happen to you,” Shep says confidently. “And I can’t wait to tell you I told you so.”
Well, it's safe to say that I completely loved Tristan and Alex's story. I was caught hook, line and sinker, in this latest release from Monica Murphy.

In the previous books in this series, I didn't like Tristan in the slightest. I'd be surprised if many readers did! But I think when a character is a complete man whore/douche canoe, it's exciting for them to have a book, because you know that they'll have a swift kick up the butt where love is concerned. And I couldn't wait for Tristan to get that!!

What surprised me more than it maybe should have, was just how much I'd come to love and root for Tristan. I was desperate for him to get the girl, and I thought Alex was the perfect girl to knock this playboy right off his feet.

I loved the storyline, the dialogue, the dual POV, the twist (even though we knew it's coming, the characters didn't!!), seeing the rest of the Rules series gang, and just basically everything. This was a really addictive book, and a definite must read!!

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*