A review by romankurys
Wishes and Wellingtons by Julie Berry


This was a decent story.

It’s always a dice roll on a YA story for me and this one, I think was more of a Middle Grade then YA, like I had originally thought. But I can’t manage to DNF a book, so here we are.

Overall, however it ended up being decent, quite possibly because of the genie. I found his parts to be the best and really felt let down when we didn’t delve deeper into his and his family story.

What made it even more fun is how the genie constantly pouted at Maev for her wishes not revolving around world domination or immense riches. That made me wonder about what masters did he have in the past? What kind of histories was he a part of? More! I wanted more but alas, there wasn’t more.

Maev as a character was ok. She’s innately a good person with good dreams and a good role model for teens. Albeit a bit rebellious but hey, at that age, all I wanted to do was to be rebellious so as expected. But reading it as an adult, she as a character did not fascinate me as much as I hoped.
Same goes for her supporting cast of friends.

All the “proper tropes” and “moral lessons” are there and I’m sure those will read as educational to a younger audience, so not knocking those lessons in the slightest.

Overall, I’d say if this is a read along with a kid, it might be a solid adventure.

Although, there are better picks out there: Fablehaven, Percy Jackson, Alchemyst are some that come to mind.
Although consider: a Genie. There is a genie here. The kind who lives in a sardine can. Also grumpy most of the time.

Make your pick :)
