A review by bookish_notes
Hurts to Love You by Alisha Rai


This review is also posted on my blog.

Well, this is just embarrassing. I probably cried while reading this entire book, because it's just...the END you know? I was just an emotionally mess because I wasn't ready to say goodbye to any of these characters yet, and this send off was just PERFECT. I absolutely loved Hate to Want You and Wrong to Need You and now we have everything coming together, and just UGH. I couldn't handle how well everything came together and giving everyone a happy ending and don't even get me started on the revelations. Because oh boy. What came out of this book was a total shocker.

Apologies if this review is an incoherent mess, because...y'know. FEELS. <3

We've met these characters in the previous books. Gabe is the owner of a tattoo shop Livvy works at. He was best friends with Paul (*sobs*) and when the break happened between the Kanes and the Chandlers, he had to choose a side. And he sided with the Kanes. Eve Chandler was young when everything went down. Gabe never saw Eve has anything but a kid back then, but now? Eve is now a woman and Gabe turns into a puddle of goo when he comes face-to-face with Eve again. He's just so soft and precious...

I will say that the beginning where Eve was staying true to character and being stalkery and creepy undercover was...well, creepy. I was just glad to move past those scenes because as much as I love Gabe and Eve being together as the endgame, I'm not sure I liked how that whole car service stalker thing happened.
"There's a difference between being alone and not being surrounded by people."

The main story is that it's Livvy and Nicholas' wedding, and everything that can go wrong, HAS gone wrong. Everyone in the wedding party was supposed to arrive early and spend the week getting ready for the big wedding day. WELL. It turns out that only Gabe and Eve are the ones who arrive at the house early, and you guys know how I feel about couples being forced to live in such close capacity with almost nobody around (I like it a lot).

This story is well-written. You can feel the sexual tension radiating off the page. Gabe is the guy Eve has always had a crush on, and Gabe finds Eve very attractive but worries about their age difference. I love their interactions and their will-they/won't-they status in this book. I found it heart-wrenching that they were keeping one another apart and just wanted them to admit how much they liked each other. <3

There's revelations in this book that I was not expecting. I thought there were just some things about the past that we were never going to find out. But then we DID and it's a real gasp out loud situation. I admit it, I was shocked. And then things just kept happening. I live for drama, apparently, so I love how everything just...came out in this book.

Any mention of Paul will just break my heart. Never mind that he was never actually a character who was alive at any point in this series, but anytime anyone brings up Paul, I get teary eyed.

I especially loved seeing the previous couples again. Livvy and Nicholas are just darling and Sadia and Jackson are downright precious. I don't know what more there is to say. I loved this book and how it fits in the overall series. It's a goodbye and I think Alisha Rai does a fantastic job closing the series out. I love that this series gave us the most brilliant women and the most lovely men. It's been a thrilling tale from beginning-to-end with ups and downs, filled with laughs and tears along the way. And I loved every moment of it.

***Thank you to Avon for providing me with an e-ARC of this book from Edelweiss***