A review by lattelibrarian
The Composer Is Dead [With CD (Audio)] by Lemony Snicket


How did I not know that Lemony Snicket wrote this?  I feel like I knew about all his other work but this!  Either way, I was not disappointed--what a fun musical romp!  With Carson Ellis' fantastic illustrations and Snicket's flair for wit, The Composer is Dead takes us through plenty of different instruments and their musical uses in large pieces.  Take violins, for example, who have runs upon runs of notes, or tubas, who tend to play the same note forever and a day.  Any one of these instruments could have a motive to kill the composer, and it's up to us to figure out who!  

I think this is such a fun book, great for the musically inclined, and great for the child who loves mysteries.  It's funny, witty, and really informational what with its list of instruments and composers!  Great for grades 1-3.

Review cross-listed here!