A review by imogen_
Fatal Voyage by Kathy Reichs


Finally dusted off this book last month after sitting on my shelf for I don't know how long, amongst a bunch of books I have been slowly collecting from op shops over the years. I hadn't read anything by Kathy Reichs before and I didn't realise that it was a part of a series until about halfway through, which probably didn't help with my experience of that book; though I never felt like I was missing anything while reading.

This was a really slow read for me, I had a lot of trouble getting into the story. Which was kind of disappointing. It started out with so much promise and then felt like it kind of dragged in the middle. I can't really express why. But I was determined to find out what happened in the end. Which didn't disappoint. It didn't catch me completely by surprise, but as the pace picked up a little the twists and turns drew me back in and almost made it worth it. I can see why people enjoy her books.