A review by bryonie
Forces of Nature by Andrew Cohen, Brian Cox


I tried with this one, I really did. I don't have any science background, and math was never my strongest subject in school, but I know when someone is a good teacher. The biggest factor is being able to take really abstract or difficult concepts and boil them down into something someone who doesn't have a physics degree can understand them. Neil deGrasse-Tyson can do it wonderfully. Carl Sagan could do it too. Brian Cox? Nope. Not even a little. After a third chapter if scratching my head, rereading the section to see if I missed something, and then giving up and moving on to the next concept, I eventually made the decision to DNF this book. Nothing in this book was boiled down so the lay person (ie. me) could get more than the basic gist of the concept.

As much as this stuff interests me, I don't want to have to go and get a physics degree just to understand what this author is trying to say.