A review by pattydsf
A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton-Porter


I was never much of a rereader. I knew that there was a lot to read and I wanted to get to as many books as possible. I think I was 40 before I was willing to admit that I wasn't going to be able to read every book that I was interested in. However, A Girl of the Limberlost was an early reread for me. My grandmother had a copy and I read often at her house. I don't think there were many other books that appealed to me in that house.

Recently, I decided if I was going to exercise more, I would have to come up with a reason to get on the treadmill. Reading became the obvious incentive. The books I read at the gym, I only read at the gym. Further incentive became revisiting some old favorites that I could get from Project Gutenberg. That way I had the books on my iPad, but they didn't cost me anything.

Stratton Porter's classic is the first book I picked up from this website and I enjoyed every word. I had remembered much of this story, but it was fun to revisit Elnora Comstock, her mother and the rest of the characters. There is bit Horatio Alger in this book, but I can read past that and enjoy the place and plot. Elnora was the strong, young woman I remembered.

I recommend this novel to any adult who missed it when they were younger. Written in 1909, I am not sure this would appeal to many teens of the 21st century.