A review by celtic67
Escondida by Ross Armstrong


This was a brilliant read. It is told in the first person by Lily Gullick the main protagonist and unreliable narrator of the story.
Lily lives with her husband Aiden in a new build block of flats. Under the guise of bird watching she spies on her neighbours in a block of flats opposite, which is soon to be demolished.
Living in a world of her own she invents names and lives for the people she is spying on.
Then something happens that she has not invented, a neighbour is murdered.
This sends Lily on a crusade to find out what happened and bring the culprit to justice.
The first person narrative is an amazing tool in that it puts you in Lily's head and you experience everything through her eyes. As the story unfolds, and the tension increases you find yourself with questions. This book will grip you and have you turning pages frantically until you reach a satisfactory reveal. But will all your questions be answered?
I urge you to read this book. You will not be disappointed.
Thanks to the publishers, author and lovereading.co.uk for ARC.