A review by raven168
Midnight Ruling by E.M. MacCallum


While this book was still very good and definitely enjoyable, I didn't quite get into it as much as I did the first one. I didn't totally get why the new characters were so obsessed with finding out what really happened to Aidan and Nora and the friends they left behind. Plus, these three new people were such complete jerks with one being an absolute asshole. I don't know how Nora didn't try and punch him at least a dozen times. Yeah, okay, the dude was way bigger and stronger than her...but I hated him. It took a while to get back to the Demon's Grave, and while things didn't really pick up per se, they definitely got more interesting.

So Aidan and Nora have been back home for about three weeks now I think. It's finals at school now but that doesn't mean there still isn't a lot students around. And things are super uncomfortable for the both of them with the whispers and the staring. Even getting practically cornered by three friends one day who don't believe their story. Knowing that going back to Aidan's house wouldn't get them back to the Grave, they end up visiting Nell. That was fun. But they believe they find out enough to be a hint as to what to do next. And the night finally comes for them to perform the midnight ruling Nora found in Nell's book. That goes horribly wrong with only Aidan being taken away. And what the two of them didn't know is that the group of friends followed them there and witnessed the whole thing. Things with them go from bad to worse when they literally attack Nora in her bed one night. But surprise for all! Now you're going to play Damien's game too.

I'm not sure why, by Nora gets tied up and dragged back. Even she didn't get it because she was quite willing to go. Poor Nora also ends up going back while wearing only her pajamas and socks. Damien has changed things up a bit this time around to be sure. And he also clues Nora in on an earth-shattering reality.
SpoilerFinding out that Nell was her mom was a neat twist. But what I was a bit confused on is the whole Nora being part demon thing. Oh, I think it's definitely awesome. But what I didn't get was how if Nieve was her twin sister, wouldn't she have also been part demon? So why was it Nora specifically that Damien wanted?
She ends up cheating, a BIG nono to Damien remember, but he lets her off this time with just a warning. Phoebe was the first friend Nora finds and while I greatly dislike that girl, she does give Nora the strength and direction that she needs. We do not find everybody in this book and of those we do, not all make it. But it's clear that Damien wants Nora to stay alive and be his Neophyte. There's also a suspicious girl that may or may not actually be Nieve. That would be interesting. And what the hell happened to Aidan damn it?

I'm really kind of hoping for something to come of this thing between Nora and Damien in the last book. Hell, I'm actually wanting her to become his Neophyte.

While the editing was better this time, there were still a bunch of times where there were missing or extra words.