A review by moonbell
Blink by K.L. Slater


What the hell was this

Edit: dec 24.

I just keep thinking about this bloody book and I’m actually getting fired up. Why is it even called Blink?? I don’t understand; ok, it misleads readers into thinking the little girl got literally kidnapped “in the blink of an eye”, but even if it was done with this purpose in mind, WHY THE FUCK TITLE THE BOOK AFTER AN EVENT THAT SEEMS SO GODDAMN MINUSCULE AFTER EVERYTHING THAT THE AUTHOR DECIDED TO PUT IN THIS.

And don't even get me started on that, this is not even a story, these are just little planets that just so happened to be in the same orbit, apparently, for absolutely no reason other than just be there. There were so many bizarre things, weird “explanations” that deserved their very own explanations and the main event (the girl missing) doesn’t even end up being the main event in the book!

I’m directly quoting the book so precaution for spoilers is advised!

He’d tripped on an uneven paving stone and stumbled under the wheels of a red London bus on Oxford Street when Harriet was just five years old. There is absolutely no way this is actually for real, do you really mean to tell me that this woman’s father DIED because he tripped and just so happened to lay on the ground exactly as a bus was passing by. Are you actually serious? This is an absolute insult to the readers credulity.

INCONSISTENCIES GALORE. One of the characters says at least 2 times things that her sister did/has but then directly says she doesn’t have a sister so which is it? Does she or does she not? Editor where are you?? Does Slater even have an editor?

Everything about this book is so surreal and dumb and in absolutely no way at least 80% of the things that happened would actually happen or work in the real world, I’m actually about to cry in frustration.