A review by toknowthyshelf
Accidentally in Love by Belinda Missen


Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review!

This book, for me, was decidedly okay. The plot and characters had a lot of potential which for me, went un-fulfilled. The overall voice of the novel read like a blog - occasionally deeper and more meaningful, but in general, a rather typical voice that didn't stand out much from other characters or authors. The plot remained unfulfilled for me because the conflict was pretty mellow until about 3/4 of the way through, when it ramped up to an extent that seemed unrealistic given the slow burn of the conflict so far. The protagonist is pretty likable, which is funny because a lot of the conflict eventually hinges on her being a "difficult" person to love and care for, which you don't really see. The romance itself was an incredibly slow-burn, and the banter almost read as though it was from a modernization of a Jane Austen novel, but that didn't really fit with the overall tone of the book. The end, which could have redeemed these smaller issues, was utterly forgetable and unrealistic. It didn't fit with the characters or the tone I got from the story. That said, I appreciate the take on romance in the art world, and think anyone invested in artists and their lives may enjoy this read.