A review by aslowreader
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer


again, i'm reviewing this with the assumption that i don't need to belabor the obvious bella/edward relationship issues within this book/series. but don't worry, i still have plenty to complain about.

i remember this book being my least favorite in the series when i first read it, thinking that jacob was this boring "side character" that was too childish and immature for bella. reading it now as an adult, jacob is becoming one of my favorite characters; his tribe has so much history and such a beautiful family dynamic, he's genuinely there for bella in a way that edward isn't or "can't be," to use ed's words, and overall i think he deserves more credit for helping bella get out of her post-breakup slump, even if bella didn't really deserve the help/wasn't wanting his company for healthy reasons.

it's interesting, rereading this series right after rereading the hunger games. the exact characteristic that i think makes katniss strong and misunderstood is the same that i think makes bella weak and undesirable - they're both incredibly calculating and cold about the affection they give, and often use people to ensure their own wellbeing with little regard for the wellbeing of others, but when katniss did it, it was because she was forced to make a choice between life and death. bella is doing it for "love," and then, with regards to jacob, to continue hearing edward's voice/prolong her obsessive hallucinations. bella manipulates everyone in her life because she wants to die for some vampire she's known for 8 months, whereas katniss knew that she needed to survive in order to continue providing for her family and, ultimately, her people. i know they're not meant to be compared, but the juxtaposition in my feelings for these characters is really something...

also, i'm bored with charlie's pseudo-alpha dad, gonna go fishing n watch "the game," can't even cook a meal for himself piece of shit character. like, i get it, he's hardly the biggest thing wrong with this series, but like???? how did he survive for 17 years before bella moved to forks lmao smh

final thoughts: my preteen self was adamantly "team edward," but as a 26 year old i would love nothing more than for jacob and his pack to tell bella and edward to go fuck themselves so we could get a quileute spinoff. jake deserves so much better than bella