A review by farmfreshlisa
For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund


A super quick read because it doesn't get "deep". But it's still a good read! Book follows the third Knight from the Uncertain Choice series. A lover of artifacts and beauty, Sir Bennett collects priceless works of art. But his older brother has put them in a precarious situation of owing far more money than they have too neighbors. And one has come to collect. Sir Bennett has one option--marry an heiress. Sabine is an heiress with a love for artifacts. The two of them are clearly perfect for one another--except Lady Sabine has a secret. Her skin is blemished and anyone who sees it is convinced she's a witch. Hiding her secret from Sir Bennett and trying not to fall in love is tricky--

The story is predictable but unlike some, will take you to the brink when you aren't sure if what you think happen really will! I was surprised several times! And it didn't end quite like I thought!

Of the three knight stories this one is my second favorite! 🙂