A review by karaklos
The Berlin Girl by Mandy Robotham


2.5 stars. I liked the premise of The Berlin Girl. A young woman reporter named Georgie is sent to Berlin to report on the changing atmosphere the year before the start of WWII. The reporters know how dangerous Hitler is and must write their stories in a way won’t get them in trouble with the “Ministry of Propaganda” in Germany.

Georgie becomes a part of the press family and together they seek out stories to expose the danger lurking in Germany. She befriends a Jewish family and does everything she can to help them.

There are a lot of interesting stories in this book including the disappearance of a reporter, the burning of Jewish businesses, and sending children away to England. I wish more time had been spent on these stories instead of the day to day meetings at the bar. While Gracie’s character was developed well, I wanted to know more about the Jewish family. The book was a little slow and the ending had Gracie turning into a bit of a silly superhero.

I liked the newspaper clippings at the end but didn’t understand why Gracie was allowed to do her postcard series without getting in trouble with the Germans.