A review by crowyhead
The Dark by Mike Raicht


When a young boy is dragged into his closet by the Bogeyman, it's up to his faithful toys and his dog, Scout, to venture into the closet after him. There they find themselves in The Dark, and are surprised to discover that there, they are real. Percy the piggybank is a real pig and no longer needs to worry about breaking. Maxwell the teddy bear is a real, ferocious bear. And all of the others (with the exception of Scout, who's still a normal puppy) have new bodies and new abilities.
The artwork is GORGEOUS! I haven't seen anything this beautiful in a long time. The storytelling is occasionally a wee bit heavy-handed, but for the most part the writing is good, and I am really enjoying the story and can't wait to find out what happens next.
It's worth noting that while this appears to be a children's story, it's actually quite realistically violent. I probably wouldn't recommend it for a kid younger than 12, and parents who are considering it for their child should probably read it first.