A review by karen_the_baroness
Secrets and Scallywags by Elizabeth Pantley, Elizabeth Pantley


Secrets and Scallywags by Elizabeth Pantley have the book club getting a new member and dealing with ghost pirates! 

Will the treasure be easy to find? 

The Book Club 
The Magical Mystery Book Club is back with a new mystery and member. I love how, in each new book, we find out more about each character than we did before. Another thing that I like is how each new mystery shapes the group into who they are, and the eight of them share a special bond. I can't wait to see what the next book entails for the club that is starting to turn into a family for all of them. Let's hope that this new member is as good as the others! 

The Mystery
The Magical Mystery Book Club members chose a book with ghost pirates in it, and they must help the pirates find their treasure. I was hanging off the edge of my seat throughout this mystery. Ms. Pantley has such an epic imagination to imagine two worlds for these books since she has to create a new mystery each time. I love the magic system in this latest find, and of course, the pirates were awesome. However, I have to ask Ms. Pantley, how in the world can you write all the scenes about food without getting hungry? I mean, seriously, this book group eats a lot, and I have to have a snack beside me at all times. My wardrobe will be suffering soon. 

Five Stars 
Secrets and Scallywags by Elizabeth Pantley is such an awesome, fantastic book that had me guessing throughout the book. I loved everything about it, and here's to hoping those ghost pirates have a safe journey after they get their treasure back. 

I am giving Secrets and Scallywags by Elizabeth Pantley five stars and a recommendation to anyone who wants to pick up this series but hasn't yet. This series can be read in any order as they don't really talk about the other book adventures that they've been on. 

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. 

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Secrets and Scallywags by Elizabeth Pantley. 

Until the next time, 
Karen the Baroness 

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