A review by sophieshelves
Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson



So this is the first Morgan Matson book I have read (yes I know, where have I been? I am going to get on her other books now so it's fine!) and oh my that was like the best decision I have EVER made, seriously.

So a girl that is very much similar to me is the main protagonist, Emily, (- except I am very short and she is not!) but she was very shy and never really herself, only outgoing and doing things she wouldn't normally do unless she was with her best friend, Sloane. The kind of best friend everyone wants. But Emily was always known as Sloane's best friend. So when she disappears out of the blue leaving Emily alone other than a list with some awesome stuff to do, Emily feels lost without her best friend, but this book is all about Emily finding her true self and making other friends along the way without feeling like she was replacing Sloane. It is a really good coming of age contemporary romance (plus a cute guy thrown in for good measure.) Seriously pick this book up, it is perfect in so many ways.

What I loved about this book: EVERYTHING! Okay, but seriously:
1) Her first impressions of Frank - the most serious, collected smart guy then her getting to know the real him and visa-versa. It was just so cute.
2) How determined she was to complete the list initially to find Sloane, but it quickly became a list not just to find Sloane, but to find herself.
3) Her relationship with Frank, Dawn and Collins (- when Emily and Collins were having the serious 'hats on' conversation at the gala just SO CUTE)
4) How happy this book made me - I smiled, laughed, cried - all kinds of emotions whilst reading this book.
5) I didn't want it to end, but I had to know what was going to happen - do you see my problem? I hate finishing good books.

What I hate about this book:
Okay maybe hate is a bit of a strong word, but Since You've Been Gone was one of those rare books for me where I never wanted it to end. I wanted to know what would happen in September, if her and Sloane would continue with the lists and stay friends, if things would clear up between her and Dawn, but most of all I wanted to actually read about Frank and Emily when they were finally together. I just wanted a freaking Epilogue Morgan Matson, that's all I'm asking okay? I kind of got really attached to your characters and now I'm a mess.