A review by thepaperreels
Undertow by Michael Buckley

Did not finish book.
DNF at 28%

Despite its very intriguing blurb that really appealed to me the first time I read it.... Undertow failed to keep me interested. Sea creatures or books about sea creatures is very hard to come by, at least for me. That's why I literally squealed when I read the synopsis of Undertow.

The last book I read about characters who are in a sea environment was Atlantia by Allie Condie and it was all kinds of epic fail, I'm still trying to erase it on my mind. And now this!! Should I just stick to The Little Mermaid??

The writing is alright. But the main character's perspective was so boring and I found myself snoozing a lot of times. I actually don't get her too, but my theory is that its all part of the plot. Even though that is the reason, its still not enough to keep me reading. Maybe when the second book comes out or when I'm in the mood for slow and and uninteresting main character, I'll pick it up again.