A review by confusedvonne
Bloody Rose by Nicholas Eames


I had initially thought that this book was going to be a separate story to the first novel 'Kings of the Wyld' but it was an unexpected continuation of the world that Eames had put his heart into.

I am quiet satisfied that I bought and read this book, I should of done it sooner - at least then the first novel would of been fresh in my mind. What I loved most of 'Bloody Rose' was despite the 5oo or so pages, it felt like I had read 3 to 4 fully length stories about Fable (the band we follow) and their adventures. The way Eames constructs his worlds and develops his many characters, was similar to Brandon Sanderson however, at a faster pace.

After reading the end of a intense seen, I had thought it was the end of Fable's adventure but it just kept continuing - as if the adventure would never end. I enjoyed how the book continued where we left off, but following a different group of people - who were just as colourful as the pervious band.

I enjoyed this novel more than the first, I think it's because there is less unbelievable / deus ex machina events. There was more at stake than in the pervious book.

The way the book ends was lovely, I couldn't ask for anything more.
Best first book to start my year with.
I cannot wait to read more of Eames' novels!!