A review by sarah_moynihan
Falling for a Rake by Eve Pendle


'He's the most notorious rake in England. She's a Perfect Lady. Neither are what they seem.

Lady Emily can't afford a scandal. Her sister's debut is just weeks away and she has her pteridology group to safeguard. It's bad enough to be stuck in a hole overnight with Lord Markshall, and worse to have kissed him. Marriage is unthinkable. But newspaper hearsay on their "frolics and fernication" after a fern hunting accident puts everything she's worked for in jeopardy.

Lord Markshall's whole political career is based on manipulation and disguise. Lady Emily's polite insults are just the thing to prove to himself, and everyone else, that he's still an unworthy rake. He wants her desperately, but even a fake engagement is too good for him.

With Emily's sister's debut and a major political vote coming up, their reputations–good and bad–have never been more critical. The newspaper gossip is edging toward the truth, threatening to incinerate everything they hold dear. Can they understand, accept, and love each other, before it's too late?'

Falling for a Duke is the first book in Eve Pendle's Falling series and is a historical romance.

I read this book because it came up in my Kindle Unlimited suggestions and the cover caught my attention. Now i'll be thefirt to admit that the suggestions in my KU are normally not my cup of tea, but I was really impressed by Falling for a Duke. I had thought based on the blurb that it would be a bit cheesy and lean heavily on tropes, but that wasn't the case.

Oscar is a bit of a rogue and Emily is a bit of a bluestocking, so that is obviously a bit trope-y, but that is the extent of it. The circumstances that brought them together felt unique and both main characters had such a human feel to them.

Based on how awful Connie is, it is hard to believe that Emily tried so hard to protect her. I wish Emily would have written Connie off as a factor in her life so much sooner because she didn't deserve that unnecessary weght to her conscience.

But I really enjoyed this book and it's a quick read. Although the thing that brought my rating down a bit was the reveal of the villain of our story, it felt a bit cheap compared to the rest of the book. I plan to read the rest of the series.

I read this book with my Kindle Unlimited membership.