A review by anushanarasimhan
Most and More by Mahatria Ra


Reading this book brought a smile to my face because many thoughts here are similar to what my father believes. Actually, many people I know from my parent's generation would tell you similar things. However, they would be blunt about it (and maybe come off as a bit preachy). Mahatria Ra weaves his idealogy into stories and makes it interesting. The language is also written in a simple manner, so it gave me a comforting feeling like listening to a moral embedded story.

Reading this book reminded me of the many things that I subconsciously believe in, but don't always follow. When I need motivation or when I'm in doubt, I shall glance through this book to increase my drive.

If you don't like reading books on philosophy that are direct, give this a go. I would also recommend his inspirational speeches on youtube and the magazine Infinitheism.