A review by bookwormbetty
Dirty Devil by Heather Long


Yaaaaasssss. OMG this book was flippin intense, and I was sweating bullets, laughing, crying, and gasping in outrage. Every time I don't think this series can get better Ms. Long says "Here, hold my beer and watch this." No joke, this book has me blurry eyed, from reading so fast, and I am not even sorry. The characters are so rich in development, and just when you think you have them figureed out, something happens and makes you wonder if you will ever fully know them.
Emyerson(lord I'm probably spelling it wrong) is the strongest female character I think I have ever read. Part of it, is blocking things, which I totally get, part of it is she is just a bad betty, and knows what she wants and she makes sure she knows how to get it, and what I love best, is she doesn't give up, and she gives as good as she gets. The men in the book are for sure deeper than you would think in the beginning, and they continue to develop. This is told in multiple POV, and yeah, I'm gonna need more.