A review by dreamer4ever
At Death's Door by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Overall, I found the series to be o.k., kinda disappointed. The characters, most of them are great, new and old, but it's the storylines that I struggle with, this one especially, it seemed the majority of the book was about Val complaining over and over and over about the unfairness of life and betrayal by loved ones. Given all that's going on in the authors real life, it sure felt that it bled over and into this story. This could have been sooo good and the characters I love the most make an appearance and we get some peeks into their lives, the story with Jaden and Jared and Savitar are way way way overdue in the Dark Hunter world, but I didn't care for Val though the straw poppet doll is really imaginative, and I liked Xuri, the pirate/Caribbean lore is fascinating and fun. Dark Hunters is my very favorite series of all time, and the CON is /was so much fun. I hope the authors personal life is on the way to healing because I do think it's meshing with her writing, and how could it not be, I just have found the couple last books missing all the stuff that made them over the top and apart from others. The one thing I really liked is we get to see how New Orleans becomes home for this world. The Dark Hunter and the spin offs world is unlike any other, as are all it's characters, and given the number of books and the huge world within, some books will be better than others. I will always love them and the people in them. I'm really looking forward to the next Dark Hunter which I read is not till 2021, I don't know if that will change but maybe it's for the best, the real world can sometimes kick your ass but when you make your way back, you can stand stronger than ever before.