A review by antarachowdhury
Grave Dance by Kalayna Price


Kalayna Price's second installment in this series is a great addition, with another captivating mystery. In this book there's is a series of murders (with only feet left behind as evidence), as well as some magical constructs popping up around the city, and Alex is on the case to find out who's responsible. Once again, I loved the world-building and magical aspects.

My thoughts on this book are almost the same as the first one - except this time I'm knocking off a star since my problems from the first book still remained. For one, while I appreciated that we finally got some answers about Falin and his backstory, it took way too long, and it was frustrating that we had to wait all the way until near the end of the book. It just doesn't make sense why Alex wouldn't have pressed him for answers before (I mean, I get that she wouldn't pester him for his entire life story, but at least find out where he's been for the past month and why he showed up injured!). She just asked once and then dropped it.

Also, there was still absolutely no development with Death's character. We still know nothing about him, and I don't feel any chemistry between him and Alex, since he's barely in the book and whenever he does show up, it's the same repetition of Alex saying he's like her best friend and that she's attracted to him. But I don't feel the attraction or any bond between them because once again, Price tells rather than shows us.

I read the synopsis and some of the reviews for the next book and it seems like we'll finally learn more about Death. Now that we have some answers about Falin and I know I'll be getting some about Death, hopefully I'll enjoy the next book without getting frustrated at parts.