A review by abookishtype
All That Followed by Gabriel Urza


Sometimes I wish I lived in Europe or Asia or Africa, some place that’s soaked in human history. North America has its history, of course. It’s just not my history; my ancestors came from thousands of miles. I often wonder what it would be like to live somewhere where my family has lived for centuries. I wonder what it would be like to point to an old building and know that it’s been around longer than the United States, with a history of good and bad events as it has been adapted over the years. Gabriel Urza’s All that Followed has set me to wondering again. The novel is narrated by three voices, all inhabitants of Muriga, in the Basque Country. Mariana is a returned Basque, whose husband was murdered for his politics. Iker is a native Basque, one of the murderers, who was sucked into separatist rhetoric. Joni is an American who has lived in Muriga longer than most of the other characters have been alive. The murdered politician is the wheel hub around which the plot of this book spins, but All that Followed is very much about those who are still alive...

Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type. I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley for review consideration.