A review by cadiva
Who We Were by Melissa Collins


I don't know what it is about me and this author but, once again, everything is on paper for a book that I should absolutely adore but I end up feeling vaguely disappointed with.

I'm sure it's a me thing as there is a lot of really good things about this romance. It's a second chance one, it's a steamy read, it has well developed characters and world building.

But, at the end of my read, I was left a bit flat. I spent half the time wanting to punch one of the MCs and the other half telling number two MC to get a backbone.

The big reveal I had guessed the main element of as soon as it was alluded to and I honestly don't think it played out in a way which justified all of Ryan's dickish behaviour towards Quinn at all.

I just couldn't buy into why Quinn would have waited 12 years pining for someone who had treated him like he didn't matter.

Oh yeah, and Patrick was an utter arse and everything to do with his relationship with Ryan read like an overly dramatic soap opera.

I suspect most of this criticism is just me though so give it a go if you want a romance which spans two eras.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.