A review by michalice
Breaking the Rules by Katie McGarry


Breaking the Rules has not only been one of my most anticipated books for 2015, but also as part of a series too, and when I found out it had been picked up by the UK publisher, and it was offered up for reviews, I literally counted down the days waiting for my copy to arrive. I am going to give a mini review as I don't want to spoil what happens in this book for those who have yet to read it.

Breaking the Rules is set between Pushing the Limits and Dare You To, and is Echo and Noah's story as we follow them on a road trip. During this trip Echo plans to stop at various art galleries to try to sell her paintings. but also to spend some time with Noah. However after Echo receives a call from someone from her past, and Noah not only gets told some shocking news, but confronts someone from his past, this promising road trip quickly turns sour.

Breaking the Rules is a full length novel, and it was just as good a the rest of the books in this series. I thoroughly enjoyed every single page of this book, and had a late night/early morning session to finish it. I loved getting to catch up with Echo and Noah once again in their own book, but when Beth and Isiah paid a visit it just made the dynamics of the characters that much more amazing. They way they bounce of each other, and get what the other is thinking. If I didn't already love Beth from Dare You To, I would definitely love her from this book alone.

Now, slapping Noah-classic move. I rate it a seven. But you should have kicked him in the nuts. That was a nut-cracking moment.
[Beth - page 331 UK edition]

Breaking the Rules is a must read for fans of Katie, for fans of Echo and Noah, and for fans of Beth and Isiah....basically anyone who likes this series, and those yet to start it. Breaking the Rules also has a sneak peak of a chapter from Nowhere But Here, and all I know is May needs to get here quickly.