A review by peppypenguin
The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware


I'd seen this book title a lot so when I found it at a local Little Free Library I took the opportunity to borrow it. It wasn't a bad book by any means - I just feel like I have read thrillers that have piqued my interest a little more.

I think I had a bit of trouble connecting to the main character, though I feel like that's more because of my taste rather than how it was written. I thought she was alright, I just didn't find her extremely likable. I also felt there was a very strong attempt to add feminist themes, to the character and the plot, but somehow it came off as very forced, and almost gave the opposite feeling at a couple of points? Especially towards the end when reading some of the dialogue gave me pause and had me start to think of the mechanics of the book and wonder why the author made certain decisions.

The mystery itself didn't drag on too long, I wasn't bored, and I don't feel it was a waste of my time. It just didn't wow me. Worth picking up!