A review by headcanonheadcase
Lady Macbeth by Ava Reid


I DEVOURED this book. A historical setting with myth and magic brimming with female rage? Yes please, and how can I get more of this?

Lady Macbeth isn't just for classical literature and Shakespear fans. Ava Reid breathes new life into this story by focusing on Lady Roscille, soon to be Lady Macbeth and possibly Queen Herafter if the witches are to be believed. Roscille is a witch herself and it's believed that her eyes can ensnare a man and bend him to her will. So, she is forced to wear a veil. For years, she's lived under the rule of her father and now Macbeth. But Roscille is cunning and cannot be tamed.

Be prepared to lose your mind over this book. The writing is so good. I loved how Roscille and Lisander were two halves of a whole. She was light and restrained, though she longed to be wild. He was dark and wild though he craved control. Ava Reid is a master and her writing is not to be missed.

Thank you to NetGalley and Del Ray for the ARC. All opinions are my own.