A review by srharris
Dark Promises by Christine Feehan


I gave this book a 5 star despite all the negative reviews on this book and I am mad at myself because I put off reading this book because I thought it was going to be bad.....I was wrong..

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. My issue with the reviews were that so many people were upset that Gabrielle and Gary did not wind up together. I honestly was hoping that they would not and only because number one it would have been to cliche and number two in the previous books when Gabrielle and Gary were mentioned there, they never displayed passion, love yes, affection also yes but not real passion.

Gabrielle tried so hard to still live her life as a human, she never fully embraced the fact that she was no longer human, now I can say she probably wouldn't have made the choice to become a Carpathian had she not have thought she would be with Gary. Alek taught her what she needed to know to embrace her new life and he taught her how to become a confident Carpathian woman which is what she is now. I will agree that the beginning of the book played on my heartstrings because you could feel her pain over losing Gary, however, I do believe that she held on to him because he represented comfort and a life that she use to live.

Now my favorite part of the book, the side story of Trixie and Fane, maybe I relate more being an African American woman and for some reason most authors don't believe that we also love to swoon over the hero and have the heroin being described as something other than "her beautiful pale skin".

One of the other issues that other people had with the book was the way Alek carried Gabrielle off and Mikhail and Gregori did nothing to stop it, I was confused as to how dedicated readers to the series had an issue with this, in previous book Carpathian males bound human women to them without their knowledge and yet Gabrielle knew what a "lifemate" was and no Carpathian would come between a male and his lifemate.

I am hoping that as the series progresses that we see more of these two interacting with the prior characters and I was really hoping that the next book would be about Gary but no still patiently waiting.