A review by stormbee
Shadows & Dreams by Alexis Hall


4.5 stars. A fun romp. As fun as the first book. Though I'm not a fan of first person, the Kate Kane series has more than endeared me and is one of the few books that literally makes me laugh how loud every few pages.

I think the plot was much stronger this time around, with the stakes a bit higher since, ya know, Kate was on trial for murder, the Morrigan raised a vampire army and tried to slaughter all of London, the vamps and werewolves went into civil war, and some dude tried to ascend to godhood. I really want the third book to come out to see how much crazier things will get after that.

The side characters are amazing as always, especially Elise, who's too good for this world. Also Eve, who we finally meet. She's basically a lesbian Batman with a ninja army, and loves D&D, gadgets, and history. She's perfect.

Honestly, all of Kate's exes and love interests are a blast, even the terrible ones that need to be locked up. When Kate shares screentime with Tara, Nim, or Eve, I almost forget how much I like her with Julian, or how much I like her with the any of the others she's not with.

Speaking of, Julian wasn't in this as much. It was for plot related reasons, but I still missed her presence.

Nim and Eve had a very large role helping Kate not get killed during the story, and we find out more on exactly why Eve and Kate fell apart after 5 years together. Though it's prettiest obvious there's still feelings on each end, with the way they talked to each other and interacted, I feel it's a relationship that best remain dead.

On that note, with how much screen time Nim and Kate shared, the end of their relationship still remains a mystery. It interests me greatly, seeing how affectionate they both are to each other while still on good terms. They're relationship is probably the... healthiest? Maybe? As much as Kate is capable of healthy anything.

Julian and Kate are fun, and they definitely care for each other, but they're mostly just sex. Nim and Kate clearly still care a great deal, but there's something holding them back, and I wanna know what it is. I kinda maybe ship Kate and Nim the most. Sorry Julian.