A review by toddryan
The Tour by Jean Grainger


Like a satisfying meal

This book made me cry, which normally makes me angry. However, they wear wholesome, satisfying, good feeling tears.

I'm a sucker for rags to riches / beauty from ashes stories, and I love happy endings. This book was all of that and more, weaving a detailed and interesting storyline with relatable, if not always likable characters.

Like life, bad choices were made and abrasive personalities ran amuck. And, like life sometimes happens, those had lifelong consequences. But, unlike life, we get a first row seat to see how those choices play out and how the story ends.

So, if you're like myself and have had your fill of horror, tragedy, disappointment and bad news, this makes the perfect escape. Maybe it's a little too idealistic, but for me that's a perfect counterbalance to the negativity and endless bad news were all exposed to. So, like any good meal, this is tasty, filling, easy to digest, and doesn't leave you with regrets for hours afterward.