A review by michelle_arnold
In Dyer Need: The First Chapter by Claire Highton-Stevenson


End of the world books are not usually my thing, but this one is definitely more about romance than survival. Ren and Andrea have always had a purely professional relationship, but when they find themselves part of a small band of survivors trying to find a safe haven after a mysterious (presumed) terror attack, the feelings they've been suppressing begin to surface. Andrea is likable as the focused Home Secretary who finds herself thrust into a position of greater power and just wants to find a way to save as many people as she can. Ren is equally likable as the bodyguard who has never let herself think about anything but work and ends up melting for Andrea. Both of these women have felt like they had no time for love, but now that civilization is crumbling, they begin to realize what they've been missing and that there's no more time to waste. Seeing their romance flourish under difficult circumstances makes the end of the world seem not so bad!
The really intriguing thing is the bits and pieces we learn about Ren's troubled childhood and the odd dreams she has that are never explained. Although the story has a satisfactory ending, something seems a little off at times as if there's something else going on that we can't quite see, and this mystery that runs beneath the surface has me itching to read the sequel and get all my questions answered!