A review by avecruthie
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace


This book was excessively lengthy without any clear justification. With over 400 pages, the narrative only truly takes off around the 50% mark. The inclusion of numerous filler scenes, which contribute nothing substantial to the story, is quite evident. While I understand the author's intention to introduce characters for future installments in the series, I found it challenging to genuinely care about them. Moreover, the book contains around 12 explicit scenes, an excessive number that elicited more eye rolls than engagement.

In my opinion, a significant improvement could have been achieved by trimming down the beginning and concluding the book earlier. Additionally, the writing style seemed reminiscent of fan fiction. I would rate this book 2 stars, primarily because it was a quick read; however, beyond that aspect, it merits no more than a 1-star rating.