A review by nickfourtimes
The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster by Bobby Henderson


''The Fifth Day: The Big Bang
The fifth day was going to be huge, so the FSM rose early. Then He said, ''Let the waters abound, let the skies fill with birds, let the earth bring forth creatures, each according to its kind. Then let them canoodle and be fruitful.'' And He saw that it was good, and He was feeling pretty proud of Himself, so He hit the Beer Volcano hard that afternoon.
Later that evening He rolled out of bed and landed hard on the firmament, and this, fair reader, was the true Big Bang. He had a funny feeling and realized in His drunken stupor that He had not only built a factory in Heaven that turned out scantily clad women in transparent high heels, but He'd also created a midget on earth, whom He called Man. And He said, ''Wow. Even I might have overreached my Noodly Appendage on this one,'' and not even sure what day it was anymore, He decided to take an extended break from the whole creation gig, and He gave a quick blessing and declared, ''From here on out, every Friday is a holiday.''