A review by trin
Pizzeria Kamikaze by Etgar Keret


In this Israeli graphic novel (which was the inspiration for the movie Wristcutters: A Love Story, which I haven’t seen), the main character kills himself only to discover that suicides all go to a separate afterlife that’s not all that different from the world they left behind. The somewhat slight, though full of nice moments and a never overdone atmosphere of melancholy. It reminded me a bit of [a: Kevin Brockmeier|16967|Kevin Brockmeier|http://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1315890168p2/16967.jpg]’s [b: The Brief History of the Dead|30072|The Brief History of the Dead|Kevin Brockmeier|http://images.gr-assets.com/books/1386925109s/30072.jpg|836000]. The really stand-out thing here, though, is the art. Done in blacks and greys and swirling, shining lines of silver, it’s gorgeous and captivating and wondrous. It alone makes this worth picking up.