A review by mindfullibrarian
Scoring Position by Morgan James, Ashlyn Kane


I'm on a roll and am going to finish this ENTIRE SERIES in a week! I thought I might not like this one as much as [b:Winging It|61468255|Winging It (Hockey Ever After #1)|Ashlyn Kane|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1658245651l/61468255._SX50_.jpg|44270191], since it seemed like it's an enemies-to-lovers romance, but even though the guys start out annoyed with each other, it's never that they don't actually LIKE each other, they just didn't like being forced to be together. Then it turns into sweet, delectable gay hockey love with some great mental health representation!

Source: Kindle Unlimited