A review by threerings
Agatha H and the Airship City by Phil Foglio, Kaja Foglio


This is the first prose novel adaptation of the webcomic Girl Genius. I bought it because the authors promised more depth than the comic. I'm not actually convinced there is more depth, but can't speak very well to if or how much extra this adds to the comic because it's been awhile since I read the beginning of it. I did really enjoy reading this, though I'm not sure if it would be as satisfying a read if you haven't read the comic. Having the visuals for the characters and gadgets in your head is really helpful. I like that they're doing novelizations because my one big problem with webcomics is that the story moves so ridiculously slowly that I lose interest and stop reading. This gives you what was probably years of story of the webcomic. After finishing reading this, I was finally motivated to catch up on the last year of the comic. Now I just have to wait another year or so until there's enough plot for me to read in a sitting.