A review by amythebookworm
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd


Whenever I start a review, I always have a quick research on the reception of the book. And I was so surprised by the mixed reactions: it appears to be a very "love it or hate it book" despite the fact that I absolutely devoured it.

I was gifted this book for Christmas and was extremely reluctant to read it because of the title. Anything with "the secret life of" on the cover generally puts me in mind of a terrible reality TV drama.

However putting aside the questionable title this book has definitely knocked Pax by Sara Pennypacker off my #1 most recommendable book spot.

The story follows a young white girl named Lilly who runs away from home with her black servant, Rosaleen, in search of answers about her mother's death who she believes was accidentally killed by herself (Lilly) age 4. She takes refuge in the home of 3 headstrong sisters and embarks on a journey to discover forgiveness from her mother.

Filled with themes of Sexism, racism, religion, forgiveness, honesty and what family truly means: this heartwarming book is filled with emotion and imagery; every detail is described beautifully with such natural simplicity and wonder. Truly a fantastic book.

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