A review by bestdressedbookworm
Songs That Sound Like Blood by Jared Thomas


There was nothing actually wrong with this novel theme wise. I felt it dealt with the beauties and harsh realities of aboriginal culture well.

What I didn't like, was the fact that the writing style tried to hard, dropping big names in all the time and I'm sorry but if your going to name a character Lorna Jane when it's a reasonably famous brand name, your going to lose me. In 1 page her name was written about 11 times and she really was of no importance. But it was still quite annoyingly reparative.

Secondly, I felt that dealing with finding out she is gay is not handled realistically and almost written in a way that was really easy to wrap up whenever the author chose to do it, and to be honest apart from that everything Roxy does seems to be "amazing" in everyone's eyes.

There was not a lot that was "interesting" about this book and by the time we get to them potentially shutting down the aboriginal music program and getting them to do the bachelor of music like every other student I actually didn't care, I kind of felt like "yeah so you should, it should be the same qualification for everyone!" Because I didn't have any connection to this character that apart from being gay, everything else was going great for her. So she had to change to a mainstream program, that's the only bad thing that's happened to you in this book!!!!!

Disappointed with this one.......wasn't feeling it.