A review by imbookingit
Dangerous Desires by Dee Davis


When I read a book a little outside my usual range, and I'm not thrilled with it, I have a hard time deciding how much is me and how much is the book.

I kept thinking that if I could just put on the same "just go with it" mindset I do when it comes to movies,I might have really enjoyed it.

There was the kick-ass woman and the guy who comes to her rescue, both of them shooting people right and left, jumping over waterfalls, making their way through the jungle. When they stop moving, the inevitable happens, this being a romance novel.

I mean, what's not to like?

As it was, I didn't find the characters (major or minor) to be behaving as I thought they should have in the circumstances. I thought there were a few too many coincidences, and the misuse of technology bugged me, even when the same things wouldn't have flowed right by me in a movie.

In the end, I was entertained, but this book wasn't for me.