A review by ashlikesbooks
What Waits in the Woods by Kieran Scott


***I do my reviews in the form of questions***

What made me pick this book up:

I took photos of it for a challenge during the 24 hour readathon, years ago. And since then I wanted to read it.

What did I like about the cover:

It looks ominous and creepy.

What made me read this book:

Well... I was in Jenn's room, hijacking books as usual, and I saw it and because I had seen it years back I decided it was time to read it.

What did I like the most:

So I liked this book because it was pretty creepy and had you guessing the entire time, as to what was happening. The "twist" was my favorite part, though I think in the back of my mind I kind of saw it coming. Either way, it made sense and it was a perfect ending I think. I also really loved Jeremy, he was sweet and caring.

What didn't I like:

The main character annoyed me a bit, but I think almost every character does at times. Lissa really annoyed me. She was bitchy and a know it all and just plain annoying. I could not be friends with someone like her.

Would I read the rest of the series/more from this author?

I've read a few Kieran Scott books and she has a book called What Waits in the Water, and I definitely want to read that one.

I enjoyed it. Took me a bit to get into it, but once I did, it was great. I don't know why I keep reading/watching creepy camping stuff, I love camping.