A review by alyssaindira
Fire in Frost by Alicia Rades



So I actually grabbed this free off of Spotify. I was looking for something to listen to while doing some light studying, and was unsure of how much I would remember/be tuned in. But this book is pretty easy enough to follow along with without giving it too much attention or mental energy. Just to make it clear, this is the audiobook edition, and the narrator was fine, lovely, no complaints.

As for the author....ah well. I knew right away this was a very...cliche high school power manifesting teenage angst whiny novel. The writing was alright, A bit overdescriptive in my opinion (but maybe that is just becaus I couldnt skip over the long descriptions the narrator read and was forced to endure ranting that I would not ordinarily be subjected to. But at the same time, I do think some ofthe description was unnecesary, or could of been written better. Alot of the main characters inner musings were really superficial and immature, like when she discusses body image and her powers. in general, her thoughts do not always...connect as evenly as the author would of liked. I honestly felt like sometimes they were just so...young and twitchy. But least the main characters heart was in the right place.
The pacing was chronological and really fast paced. It did not necessarily irk me, I was glad it moved fast, so there wasnt alot of down time. if there had been alot of down time, I think my brain would of tune it out. The writing also just didnt quite feel as...solid as I am used to. Everything seemed surface level and breezy. Maybe that was because I listened to it? Idk.
I also know that what the story turned out to be what, I was not quite expecting. Granted, I was just listening for the vibes, but the actual storyline was...different. The way revelations happens, I am unsure of how 'real' it would be or just the way information was portrayed or how characters learned stuff. Maybe I am just 'reading' too much into this.
The 'story' itself, was alright. It was clear there was an end goal , and some challenges along the way. So that was fine. The characters just felt more...pliable, willing to bend to go where the story needed it. Oh? You need a ghost? Well lets conjure one up right out of the blue.
Also the way she kept getting powers just randomly and automatically mastered them actually did irk me, but whatever, I guess.
OVERALL, i did like some of the themes in this book. Like friendship, love, determination, etc. BUt, I did think there needed to be a trigger warning for domestic violence/abuse, just in case some people are not comfy with those events.

Alright, I rambled on long enough. Remember, this is all my opinion, if you want your own , feel free to listen to the book (its free on spotify, no I am not being paid to say that).