A review by ameringya
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo


This book threw me back and forth between soaring hopes and the deepest despair for the main character and their mission. I liked how it hints at the twists around the bend that make you afraid of reading on and still wouldn't let me put it aside - I simply had to know what would happen and what they would make of it.

The story travels beyond the borders of the country in the first book, introduces us to new and faceted characters, and shows us new faces and sides of the characters that we have met before.

I ate this book up within a couple of days (much like the first one). I loved most that the characters are complex - although some have very clear motivations and straightforward characteristics, most will either evolve throughout the story or in some cases we simply learn more about them and chisel free more information. Characters that we start out seeing as purely good or purely evil reveal layers over time and don't (necessarily) stay within their stereotypes.