A review by katlynslifeofbooks
The King by Skye Warren


The King is such an enthralling story; it sparks the flame between Damon and Penny. Their beginning starts as a slow burn that has the potential to grow into an inferno. Skye Warren’s writing sucks you in and doesn’t let go until the very end. I love how Skye builds the relationship between Damon and Penny making the reader really feel the bond between the two.

My heart broke for Penny in this book. She goes through hell and back, but still manages to come out strong and independent. She is probably one of my favorite heroines! We get to see how Penny grows into a teenager that longs to be more than she is allowed to be. She devours any math text she can under the radar, but it becomes futile when her father uses her particular skills to help him gamble. When family dumps you in such a deep hole you have no way to crawl yourself out, do you lie down dead or come out fighting?

When my heart broke for Penny in this story, my soul shattered for Damon. He has grown into such a dark captivating alpha male, but you can still glimpse the broken man inside that his father created. He has had to endure so much growing up with a psychopathic evil father, I feel like he is drowning in darkness and the light he began to see in Penny got snuffed out by his guilt.

I absolutely loved this book and cannot wait to finish Damon and Penny’s story in The Queen.