A review by thatbookishgem
The Inheritance by Katie Agnew


A fascinating look at four women’s lives and the inclusion of a priceless pearl necklace, The Inheritance was a compelling look at overcoming adversity, female empowerment and friendship in order to forge something wonderful for your friends and family.

The story itself is told across four time periods; you have the present day mystery centred around Sophie’s investigation, the origin story of the pearls from a Japanese woman, a brief subplot around Sophie’s mother and Tilly’s youth in WW2 England.

This was a beautiful story about four incredible women, and a necklace that changed their lives. Katie Agnew has clearly spent a great deal of time researching the history of Japanese pearl divers, and I found this section of the story fascinating. The whole plot that centred around this culture that I knew nothing of was my favourite part, and I wish there was more on this.

Full review available on my blog: https://thatbookishgem.com/2020/05/08/review-the-inheritance-by-katie-agnew/